What's The Blog About, Alfie?

We are avid fans of literature, good literature. We prefer great writing, we'll settle for very good work, but we cannot abide anything less. We will stop reading a book if the author demonstrates mediocrity, writes incompetently, or, worse yet, simply loses our interest. That said, we will always give you our honest opinions about the books we've listened to on Podiobooks.com. We'll tell you why the great ones are great, and why the forgettable ones should be avoided.

We hope, when we've reviewed enough, you will come to this blog to see if a particular book is worthy of your time. We plan to be frank. You have come here to elicit our opinion and we shall not disappoint. Additionally, we hope this blog becomes a resource for PB.com authors to read honest and objective reviews of their efforts; no smoke blown-up the butt at any time. We have observed over time that reviews left on an author's site or iTunes are basically of two types. The first is the pie-eyed-hyperbolic-praise version of a review by a real fan. While excellent for the ego of said author, this form of assessment aids neither the potential listener nor the writer's development. The second type is the snarky-hit-and-run-slap-in-the-face negative review which may contain the kernel of an insight, but is actually significantly less valuable than the first type. Ours will be decidedly neither polar extreme. We will be as fair and complete as possible. An unavoidable off-shoot, indeed a desirable off-shoot, the clever reader will quickly appreciate is that we will undoubtably be squewering a few sacred-cows. If that happens, please keep in mind the fable of The Emporer's New Clothes and the fact that we would not review them in a less-than-stellar manner if they did not deserve it.

Our reviews are not placed on PB.com, iTunes, or any other public site. We do not wish to embarrass or ridicule any particular authors. Many of the authors are our friends, or at least were up till they read our review. We dearly appreciate that each PB.com author has poured their creative guts out for all to see with very little chance of monetary reward. This is not easy. We will not generally say anything but positives on public sites as we, in our alter ego, want the authors, even the poor ones, to have their moment in the bright-shiny sun. At the very least we want them to be happy little fish in their little ponds.

Finally a term defined, a dreaded term, one you wish never to see, one which strikes despair in the heart of any author - WSRH. This is short for "We Stopped Reading Here". Background. Our less than sainted father was a college English professor. When grading essays and term papers, especially freshman courses, we observed him many a cruel time to slash across the page with his red pen. Just below the horrific line, he would write, "I stopped reading here... F." Clearly, papa was a professor, not an editor, so he was an I while we are, well, a we. Hence, ISRH transforms into WSRH. However you begin it, it is not a good thing. Avoid writing something which earns WSRH, you will not be happy with yourself.

Your comments on our comments are most welcome. You may be as frank as we are. Contrary opinions, supported by rational argument not finger-wagging, will help the prospective PB.com readers find the books which are right for them. Bottom line: our comments plus your comments, along with author rebuttals, will in the end benefit us all, and help PB.com listeners choose wisely.

Based on the success of this blog, we have started a Forum where you can share your insights and reviews. The more information and discussion, the better informed we will all be.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Burn - Into The Fire With This Cord-Wood

  Thanksgiving, a day of thanks and touchy-feely, is over not 24 hours, and here we go, having to hatchet another podcast.  Well, we don't have to, we want to, so we can help you - you are becoming quite demanding, you realize?  This is the first non-Podiobooks.com podcast novel we are reviewing.  We had planned on giving it a good score, commensurate with its modest virtues, and were frankly stunned we had to WSRH-it.  We are not certain, but we think we were within a few minutes of the end!  To go so far, to invest so much time and emotion into a piece and then bail - it must have really pinched a nerve.  It did.
  The work in review is Burn by James Patrick Kelly [ http://bit.ly/hJrOD7 ].  The story is a tad simple, but it was entertaining.  The authors voice-variations were journeyman.  The technical quality was iffy and repetitiveness of the intro's most annoying, but we were going to score it in the mid-to-high 70's probably.   The world will never know.  What stuck in our throats, caused us to spit the hook, get out'a Dodge without a goodbye, was an unfortunate plot element far too many authors use, as far as our refined tastes are concerned.  "Victimization of the innocent" is one term we employ to describe this literary foible.  Another way of putting it, generically, would be needless or, worse yet, gratuitous violence/evil/cruelty, that type of thing.  Now violence has its place, and people die, so it is not these elements in-and-of-themselves which piss us off.  It is their overuse, or specifically, egregious offenders.  Rape, cannibalization, abuse of children, and violence against bystanders are the type of things which we would prefer never to see, and honestly puzzle-after why others put up with them.  Are we as readers so insensitive?  Perhaps we are too willing to consume whatever we are supposed to, in lieu of considering what it is we are putting in our brains.
  In any case, we've waxed philosophical enough, too much in fact, and we'll step off the soapbox and let you go.  If you are as picky and moralistic as us (actually it's as sensitive as us), avoid Burn.  If you're a bit thicker skinned, Burn is an okay novella adequately presented.  If you do chose to listen, let us know how it ends, next time we run into you at the bar.

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